Monday, September 14, 2009

Information Overload

This is part 6 of 8 blogs on what today's smart investors need to know in order to create sustainable wealth for you and your family.

What sources of information do you use when considering an investment? Most people make investments based on emotion--a hot tip from a co-worker, family member or friend. They jump in to buy the stock because they think they have "inside information".

Or they listen to all the cable news shows like MSNBC or Fox money reports. Many of these so called money and finance commentators are nothing more than theatrical performers.

Some people read several of the many trade publications that tout the latest and greatest. The problem with all the information out there is that it is way too much information for any one person to absorb. There is simply too much white noise.

Trying to accumulate vast amounts of information in order to make intelligent and rational investment decisions is way beyond the time and resources of most people.

An astute investor is careful to limit the amount of information he/she uses to make decisions or they hire out this important work to a trusted advisor.

Bottom line is that basing your investment decisions on tons of information is not the best way to generate wealth.