Monday, September 22, 2008

Is My Money Really Safe?

An article that I highly recommend, "Is My Money Really Safe?," by Joan Goldwasser, Kimerly Lankford, and Pat Esswein. Clients, if you have any questions about this article or anything pertaining to it, please write me an email.

Is My Money Really Safe?

When IndyMac bank failed this summer, the lines of nervous account holders trying to withdraw their money made headlines everywhere. But that was an anomaly.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. has taken over ten other banks this year without incident. If you are worried about the safety of your money -- in banks or brokerages, such as Lehman Brothers, which filed for bankruptcy September 14 -- or money you've paid your mortgage servicer for taxes or insurance, here are answers to your pressing questions.

To finish the article, please follow this link to Kiplinger's.